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welcome to princess amelia's blog!!
introducing aafaff amelia!

19 February 2010

my lovestory... mind to read! :D

what is love really?? huhu.. 
is love being created just to hurt people's feelings? huhu... 
here's my story about love... 
for me, love is something sweet and something that will never fade away... love is a feeling that can conquer everything and helps us to face our problems in life after Allah, Rasul and our parents.. love does'nt mean we will have to own the person we love... 
once upon a time, there was a young ordinary girl who befriends with a very cute matured guy... they really loved being friends with each other... they always spend time together... they go for movies together, launch and dinner together and even karaoke together... they had so much fun when they are together... they can't even face a day without spending time with each other.. they often try to find a reason for them to meet each other... the guy was very sweet and honest with the girl.. he even told her that he already has a girlfriend but he really2 wished that he could still be close to her even just as a friend. 1 day they realized they had fallen for each other... they became closer to each other and drowned into love... unfortunately, he already has a girlfriend that he will never leave... the girl felt very happy and perfect when he is with her even though deep in her heart, she realized that the guy has already have someone special in his life... every time she realized the fact that he belongs to someone else, she will feel the pain more and more and cried by herself... the guy will never understand how she feel.. she's so madly in love with someone's boyfriend! that totally hurts... the girl was very disappointed with that guy until she decides to back off and start her new life... but, the guy refuses to let her go because he said that he loves her more than his girlfriend and that he really needs her in his life.. but why can't he choose between the girl and his girlfriend? that's the question that is always in her mind all day,a ll night.... so, now, the girl is trying to start her new life without him... she realized her mistake for loving someone's boyfriend.. she really felt sorry for his girlfriend.. she just wish that he will always be happy with his girlfriend and live happily ever after... the end... 

from this lovestory, i personally think that love needs sacrifice... if we love someone, we should let them go for the sake of their own happiness... love means seeing the person we care happy with his or her life.. ;) 

sincerely for the bottom of my heart.... 
aafaff amelia

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