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welcome to princess amelia's blog!!
introducing aafaff amelia!

19 February 2010

if we're not that into him, say it.. be honest! :P

We should be honest with the guy who approaches us.. We should ask ourselves questions like " am i really falling for him or hanging in there just because i don't want to be single? "..

i know its sounds funny and ridiculous to ask that kind of question to yourself, but it's the truth and it's fact! haha! Think twice girls! What are you doing in this relationship? Does it really have a future? Think people! think! :)

Have you ever think? If you're really into him, you would have thought about him almost every minutes right? besides, if you really love him, you would have speak his name almost to everyone in everything you say.. am i right? :)

So, girls, think properly. If you think that you are not that into him, be honest with him. Don't tell lies. Cause you'll never know how those lies could hurt their feelings.. Even though we feel like guys sometimes do not have feelings if we break their heart, think twice ok? guys are also a human being. they too feels the pain of being hurt.

i say this cause i had enough experiences with guys. they are sometimes nice and makes us melt. but girls, that does'nt mean you have to be into him. maybe they just love being friends with you. so, my advice is, be honest.. say it if you think you are not that into him.. that's the best way for a friendship to be develop.. ;)

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